Price is a very sensitive topic in microeconomics. There has
been a lot of work done in this domain. Unfortunately most of it is completely
misguided by attempts to theorize about price from a normative thinking process
of ‘what should be the price?’ or ‘how should a rational individual think about
While going through a lecture on Coursera on Neuroeconomics, I revisited this question again in my head. Partly it was prompted by the idea
in the lecture itself – that the ‘value’ something has for an individual has
been generally expressed in terms of price or utility in economic theorizing
and that the Neuroeconomic approach to it is to start with neuronal firing rate
in response to a good/activity and its like reward or punishment value.
Interesting and promising approach indeed.
What i was tangentially thinking about was something related
but different. I was wondering if the entire framework of answering the
question ‘what is something worth to an individual?’ is mistaken. Here’s why.
The conventional attempts at finding out worth of something
to someone is generally focused on the utility of the good/service to the
person and some estimate of the value of the same. There is an implicit
assumption that this is constant across space and time and individuals. All
three are faulty assumptions – there are not even good first level
approximations. That is the reason behind my question above.
Part of the reason is the dependence of value on location,
time and individual. Part is also the very approach of trying to model it like
this. When one implicitly assumes that something has an objective value and
that just needs to be determined through some observation, one is already
committing the folly of creating an imaginary quantity (objective value). One
is then likely to fall into the traps of calling something over-valued,
under-valued, over-priced and so on.
My view on value and price is as follows.
Value of something is inherently and fundamentally
subjective as well as a function of time and place. It is also reflexively
dependent on perception, network effects and inference about who else is a
First of this is simple to demonstrate.
- Dependence on person: I like QWERTY keyboard phones while someone else values bigger screen. Even at an aggregate product level, someone may like orange juice as a refresher while her friend might prefer a quick call with her fiancĂ©. Given a specific good, different people will value it very differently – I love tea, my wife does not have tea at all and i know of a lot of people who have intermediate levels of liking for it.
- Dependence on time: Food is valuable when hunger strikes, music adds value to a pub night, cab service is more valuable in monsoon and wee hours etc etc
- Dependence on place: Mineral water at the top of a mountain is more valuable than in the middle of the city, binoculars are of value in a desert but not as much in a jungle and so on.
Note that if we start without the baggage of goods having a
similar price across people, time and place, the above divergence would point
us in the direction of a non-unique value and price automatically. Only if we
start with the state of the world as it is today that we would attempt to
figure out explanations and workarounds to this obvious state of affairs.
Second set of divergences is more subtle. It is also more
applicable to modern branded goods than to commodities.
- Dependence on network effects: An app that my friends use is more valuable than one that nobody uses.
- Dependence on perception: If Hyundai cars are not perceived to be premium, I would flinch in buying a feature-rich Hyundai car for a high price point.
- Dependence on inference about who else is a consumer: If everyone is using Ray-Ban shades, I would also join in. Sometimes this also has adverse effect – if everyone (‘the masses’) is using Gucci, i better stop using it (it has become ‘pedestrian’)
The value derived from a good/service is hence a complex
function of all of the above factors. Just to be clear, these are not factors
that are small deviations around a secular level. This is precisely the
mistaken stance conventional microeconomics takes. Most economists would
acknowledge the presence of these deviations. However, in the name of
tractability and approximations, they would make an undefendable leap of faith
that a large proportion of value is independent of this and thus can be thought
of as objective.
The other angle often ignored in classical economic theory
with regard to price is how the producers determine it. Most often, the over-generalized
response of economists is that perfect competition persists in most cases and
the producers charge a price that is equal to marginal cost of production. This
is again normative. It is demonstrated in real life only in a small minority of
cases where a highly uniform commodity is traded in a highly transparent manner
(crude oil, steel etc). For most real life cases, price is nearly arbitrarily
determined – producers do take into account the cost plus logic but more often
than not, the linkage is reflexive. If something fetches good price, its input
goods start to reflect that as well through higher pull. It is not only that
input good become costlier and thus output good catch up in terms of price.
Just like we don’t know how each specific biological species
began its journey on earth, the pricing history of each specific good and
service is hard to trace back. Since everything has something or other as input
(including labor) which has its own price, it is hard to study the absolute
level of price of anything in isolation. However, that should not make us
complacent about the origin of price-levels.
A feedback loop exists between consumers and producers as
well and it is not simply a matter of a producer looking to offer at a price
above a certain minimum and a consumer making sure of a bidding war each time
she is looking to buy something. Real life transactions have a lot of influence
of behavioural factors as well as institutional factors. Some prices are simply
a matter of habit, others of arbitrary anchors and so on. On this base case the
consumer producer feedback takes place.
In summary, value is not identifiable in an objective sense.
Hence a uniform price for a good/service is an arbitrary imposition of
simplicity. I think it is not hard to think about constantly varying prices of
goods and services across people, place and time. The efficient market
enthusiasts will jump at this suggestion and cry ‘arbitrage’. However, insofar
as consumer goods are concerned, it is hard to imagine majority of people engaging
in an arbitrage about making someone else buy something or hoarding some stuff
because it is cheap at that time.
In some cases this already happens – but it is limited to
dependence on place. Convenience stores sell things at a major premium to
supermarkets. However, time dependence, situational factors and person
dependence is almost never factored in. Even more so, the perception effects,
network effects and so on are rarely if ever incorporated into pricing. Even
the limited space dependence of the type of convenience stores vs supermarkets
is a matter of practice – not entirely explained in economic theory.